
GUI application to create Arduino programs using ladder logic (like a PLC)

View the Project on GitHub cpipero/ArduinoLadder


Arduino as a PLC.

ArduinoLadder is an open source project that allows users to develop Arduino sketches using a graphical ladder logic editor. The software is developed using Mono, the multi-platform version of .NET. Therefore, it can be comiled to run on Windows, Linux, or MacOS. Initially a Windows installer will be provided for those users that do not want to deal with compilers and coding.

How it works

ArduinoLadder has been created as a GUI code generator that uses Electronics&Micros' plcLib libraries. The libraries implment high level functions to instantiate coils, contact, latches, timers, etc. connected by rungs as you would in a ladder logic diagram.


We are working on a detailed documentation and a video tutorial as we iprove the user experience. For now, to understand what you can do, you may refer to the plcLib documentation on getting started with ladder logic. Also, you will find some raw documentation in the Documents folder of the project.

Donate to a good cause!


This application and its source code are free for you to use, but please consider donating something. The funds received through your donations will be used to support the Ivo de Carneri Foundation, a very active charity organization who promotes the fight against infectious and parasitic diseases in developing countries, supports research and education work for the socio-economic factors which are essential to the health and progress of those communities. Feel free to check with them on the legitimacy of this pledge. Use the link below to show your appreciation for our efforts and support our friends in their mission:

click here to donate(

Money collected so far: 0.00 USD!

Authors and Contributors

ArduinoLadder has been created by Costantino Pipero (@cpipero) from Beeond, Inc.. Walter Ditch (@wditch) is the author of the original plcLib and a key contributor to this project. Eugene (@arise-project) worked with Cos on the code. Please consider joining the project to enhance its features and improve the usability.


ArduinoLadder is freely available under the MIT license.